Always Forever Now


From the mesmerizing Brian Eno collaboration with — ? I won’t even say their name, but if Adam, Larry, Paul and David aspired to have a more Radiohead-esque type career, they would’ve sounded more experimental more often.

From ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACKS I — I played this one to death during film school and wrote many of my first screenplays listening to this little masterpiece. I love this six minute meditation. The tempo — the bongos, percussion, keys, bass. How it starts small but builds, grows, evolves. Only one little lyric, so no danger of it becoming didactic.

Always forever now

It really does sound like Brian Eno, which makes sense with him getting a song writing credit. The electronic singing at 3:11 even sounds like Eno’s voice.

And that screeching guitar feedback at 1:22 is outstanding. Feeling more Jonny Greenwood than Edge with more Eno-esque soundscapes at 4:27 carrying us out — electric guitars, whines, escalating scale.

A song I put on many mix tapes in ‘95 — some of the last ones I ever made. Not long after, I moved on to home burned mix CD’s. 😭


Easy On Your Own?


Hard Drive