Window Paine

The Smashing Pumpkins

This debut hit me at just the right time. I was out of the house and in college. At the time, grunge was cathartic, inspiring even. Late 80’s early 90’s Nirvana. Mother Love Bone. Soundgarden. Pearl Jam. The movie SINGLES. Alice In Chains.

Some songs have transcended that time. GISH is still a great listen — what an inspired debut that wasn’t so much a product of grunge but a progression of classic rock, post-punk.

This great tune almost feels slow-core and builds to great heights. At the time I loved that it reflected the independence I was feeling in college. Do what you got to do and start day.

Window Paine
Around my heart
Shadows streak
Around my heart

Do what you got to do
And say what you got a say
Do what you got to do
Yes, start today
Start today

Wind blow shame
Around my heart
Shadows scream
Around my heart

What are you coming to
Stripped down to the bone?
Laughing, living on your own
All alone

Do what you got to do
And say what you got a say
Do what you got to do
Yes, start today
Start today




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