Pretty Pimpin
Kurt Vile
His new parenthetical record came out yesterday (watch my moves) — one of the few who can pull this off and actually make it a GREAT title. There’s an ease and understated quality to his vocals that draws me in. Something about them — something about his guitar playing and chord progressions that makes me drop down into his beautiful, surreal vibe. This song speaks to me as I get older — as the days pass by, mocking me —
But it was a Monday,
no, a Tuesday,
No a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Then Saturday came around and I said,
”Who’s this stupid clown blocking the bathroom sink?”
It’s a lyric I’ve said more than once to myself feeling dissociated and disconnected with who I am — brushing my teeth and watching the grey creep through my beard. But then? I still put on my pimpin flannel shirt and chuck taylor’s and go on with my life. As much as Kurt can be self deprecating and complain about the world, it’s still obvious he likes himself and his life. And it’s hard not to adopt his mix of cynicism and gratitude when you get sucked into Kurt Vile’s oeuvre. His new one’s spectacular, and if you were around my house this weekend you’d probably hear it playing.