Snow Globes

Black Country, New Road

Another new UK band to celebrate — this sprawling tune feels like a requiem for a good friend. It tiptoes in quietly for three minutes until we hear the undeniable vocals of Isaac Wood. I love how the drums and percussion eventually fight with the tempo and mix — as if expressing the absurdity of life and death.

Oh God of weather, Henry knows,
Snow Globes don’t shake on their own

From their spectacular sophomore LP — and singer Issac Wood’s last record with the band — I’m reminded of special singers who left us too soon, in particular Ian Curtis and Scott Hutchison. I’m glad this young man (only 22) has the will to walk away from fame and music if it means preserving his mental health and perhaps even his life. And maybe, if we’re lucky, he’ll come back and play more music for us. ❤️



