Nine Pins
Meat Puppets
I’m not sure how well known this record is, but it’s alt-country in the best way and from their most recent DUSTY NOTES. Pre-pandemic goodness abounds on this one from 2019.
And this little song is a mid-week uplifter for me. Between my editing shifts — I often take a little stroll in our garden down to the creek to stretch my legs and breathe the cool air. Shorter days now with dusk falling fast. Sometimes when I get hypnotized by my edit, I step out of my office too late and miss out on this beauty.
Between the trees, a strip of green that’s rolling my way
It’s gone before 5pm and the days will continue getting shorter. Winter Solstice is still three weeks out. But this song makes me grateful for our place that we were fortunate to get into before the pandemic hit.
I love the poetry and simplicity of the melody and these lyrics. Great playing from each band member — love the picking, the stand up bass and accordion. To drinking we are bound, enough to go around. It makes me remember great times with good friends over the years. Being in their homes and backyards. ❤️🍸🏡🖼️
A little place around
A little place around
A little bit from town
A little bit from town
There's a path
It's not a road
No traffic through
No noisy highway
Where I can walk
Between the trees
A strip of green
That's rolling my way
And the moon shines down
The moon shines down
A little piece of ground
A little piece of ground
A sweeter little sound
A sweeter little sound
There's a path
It's not a road
No traffic through
No noisy highway
Where I can walk
Between the trees
A strip of green
That's rolling my way
And the moon shines down
And the moon shines down
To drinking we are bound
To drinking we are bound
Enough to go around
Enough to go around
There's a path
It's not a road
No traffic through
No noisy highway
Where I can walk
Between the trees
A strip of green
That's rolling my way
And the moon shines down
The moon shines down
And the moon shines down
The moon shines down