Hangover Game

MJ Lenderman

Another great DEAR LIFE RECORDS release, BOAT SONGS came out on 4-29-22 and I’ve had it playing loud. At the top of my head, it lives somewhere between WILCO and BUILT TO SPILL. I don’t love making comparisons like this, but find them helpful if they’re somewhat accurate and I think it is. All that to say this witty, loose, ragged (indie) Country ROCK record is meeting all my music needs right now. And HANGOVER GAME just makes me grin — everything about it. Drinking songs are hard to resist, but one that solely exists to expose Michael Jordan’s “flu” game is a reason to celebrate. And I’m a Jordan fan. I imagine Utah Jazz would appreciate it even more. 😆

Jordan wanted to sign
With Adidas for shoes
But Nike gave him an offer
That he could not refuse

It wasn't a pizza that poisoned him in Utah
With a hotel bill to prove
Three thousand dollars on just five dudes

I bought fake Jordans
They weren't even shoes
Oh, he looked so sick
It was all over the news

But it wasn't the pizza
And it wasn't the flu
Yeah, I love drinking too
I love drinking too


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