Concerto for Harpsichord in F Minor — 2nd Movement
Johann Sebastian Bach
Since remembering A CASE OF YOU, I’ve been planning to revisit the film WAKING THE DEAD — and it got me thinking about other movies that introduced me to music. I didn’t even have my drivers license yet when HANNAH AND HER SISTERS swept me away like a wave I didn’t see coming. Not just the filmmaking and the music but the characters. Somehow I felt the plight of this family — these adults. And as a little young teen, I’m still not sure exactly why. But thinking about it now, it must be that I deeply felt their reckless searches for meaning, fulfillment and love — even as they made bad decisions and irreparable mistakes.
I still think of Hannah — my second favorite Mia Farrow performance after ROSEMARY’S BABY. And I think of Elliot. And Holly. And Lee. Hannah’s family and extended family feel like real people I once knew. Funny how good movies can do that.
And I love the fact they often elegantly introduce you to other things — like this gorgeous track. And the poetry of ee cummings. I still love the soundtrack and often spin it on vinyl. For some reason I own two copies and don’t know why. Actually? I do know — because if I find a copy in good condition at a record shop? I will no doubt own three copies. A brand new copy off eBay goes for about $40. But you can find the entire beautiful soundtrack on YouTube if you’re curious. It’s very much worth your time. This music from another era sets a mood.