New Website

I never thought I wanted one.

As an introvert, having my own website felt like a weight that would drive me down out of my comfort zone. It felt unnecessary because I was already dabbling in social media.

But since the pandemic hit? Specifically March 20th 2020…the day PHOENIX, OREGON was opening in theaters — the same day U.S. movie theaters were shuttered…🤔… I’ve had about two years to think and reassess if I even want to continue making movies.

But the gift of those two meandering years has made one thing crystal clear: TIME is more valuable than ever. And so my priorities have been slowly shifting. It’s a trend I feel from a lot of people. We’re all stepping back in our own ways and taking inventory — a kind of post-mortem. Where have we been and what have we accomplished? What worked and what didn’t? And, where are we going now? How will we operate differently in the future so we’re more grounded, fulfilled and satisfied?

Over the last six months I’ve been overhauling my approach to time. Allocating it like currency.

Spending real time with my people is critical. I need it — they need it. If we’re not making enough time for the people we love, then we’re veering off the track.

Also, there’s the time we set aside for ourselves. Me time. I love going to the movies, but it’s something I’ve done less and less as I’ve gotten older. Not anymore — I’m going again. Often by myself. It’s like a soul workout for me. All those little joys that keep my mind limber and inspired. More reading, learning, brainstorming, dreaming. More un-rushed time — long walks with no destination and the mind wandering. More outings to browse the record stores, book stores, comic stores.

Pre-pandemic, I had little time for these things that used to shape and define me.

Since this priority shift, I’ve had a six month creative surge. Something that hasn’t happened to me in a long while. I’ve thrown myself wildly into new story ideas, new characters. New screenplays. All the foundations for the next films I’ll be making.

All this to say — this website is a lifeline for me, a vortex for all that good stuff. A place to celebrate filmmaking, movies, books and music. A portal where my past films live — a life support for them, really. A transparent ecosystem to unpack the creative process and pursue new ideas, develop them into stories and turn them into new movies. I hope that you find it entertaining and enlightening.

These are surreal, unpredictable years we’re living through. Things will continue to evolve and change. We don’t know what’s next and no doubt there will be more surprises. And we don’t know how much time we’ll actually get in the end. But still, I feel rejuvenated and motivated to keep going with filmmaking. A desire I haven’t felt this strongly since about 2007 if I’m honest. 🎬
